I figured I needed to do a new post. They are now finished referring babies to people with log in dates through March 6,2006. That means, that we are now into single digits, folks!!
Yes, only 9 days until the CCAA is at our date of March 15th. And really, 2 of those dates are weekend days, so technically, only 7 more days until they reach us.
So, we could see a referral at the beginning of April. But, most likely at the beginning of May or June. Not much longer now.
Now, to the meaning of the blog title. Ever since seeing a documentary on the food of China, Caroline has wanted to try something exotic. Apparently, duck tongue and fried starfish made it to her list of things to try while in China. It has become a family joke. She will tell you that she thought the tongue looked tasty, and she really hopes to try it.
Well, foreign travelers to China are advised of several things. One is not to eat food from street vendors. This is where I thought you had to get the duck tongue. But, low and behold, I was reading a blog of a family currently in China to adopt their baby, and the dad mentioned that the hotel buffet did indeed, have duck tongue.
So, Caroline may get to have her duck tongue and eat it too!! I will definitely have pictures of the event.
SB 19, Day 9
5 years ago