Well, it has been a long time since my last post. I really wasn't sure I would post anymore. I figured I talked to everyone that could possibly be interested. But, after hearing from a few of you, apparently I was WRONG!!! So, here I go...
We we have been busy. But it is always a good busy. The Fall was fun with Julianna's first Halloween. Thanksgiving quickly came around and we had a great big family meal at a beautiful beach house in Nags Head. December always seems to fly by. Not only were we doing all the fun Christmas things, but we also went to Disney for 5 days right before Christmas. It was a lot of fun!!! ( As always)
January has included Caroline's 10th birthday, a run in with a nasty (and I mean Nasty) stomach bug. You don't want all the details,but the only one of us to escape it was Gary.
We are back into a school routine with swim practice, art class, and chinese school.
Julianna is enjoying the Y pool with Caroline and I. She is walking and saying a few things. She says Ma-Ma, Da-Da, duck, night-night, and Ho, Ho, Ho. She has her own sound for drink, and food. She loves her food!!!! She is a great eater. She had her 15 month appt. last week. She is 20.8 lbs (25th percentile) and 29.6 inches (also 25th percentile). Her doctor is very pleased with her progress.
I wanted to just post some random thoughts on Julianna:
*I love the way she rubs her fingers together to "call" the kitty.
*I love the way she usually kicks back in her highchair and props one of her feet up on the tray.
*I love the way she kisses with an open mouth.
*I love the way she crawls over and takes the bone from the dogs.
*when I am sitting cross legged on the floor with her, I love how she plops down in my lap and expects a book to be read to her. Don't even try to get up when she wants to read a book. She absolutely loves books. They are her favorite thing!!
*I love how she takes her CD out of the player to change it to her "dance" music.
*I love how she holds her hands up to be picked up to dance.
*I love how she waves hi to Caroline all the time. She loves her so much.
*I love how she says, "UMMMMMM" when she wants food.
* I love how she goes, "AHHHHH" after she has a drink.
* I love how she always smiles and giggles when she walks to me.
*I love how when she hears music in a store, she starts bobbing her body to the music.
*I love how she will stick out her tongue when you ask her to show you.
* I love a little naked bum-bum standing up in a bathtub!!!!!
We have had Julianna for over 5 months now. The time has flown by!!