Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

It's the year of the Tiger. We had fun at our local FCC Chinese New Year party. We have been to this event every year while waiting for Julianna. This year she was finally with us!! We met the Winslow's for lunch at P. F. Chang's and then walked over to the party. Julianna had a good time!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Six Months Ago Today

Six months ago today, Julianna came to our family. It's hard to believe it has been six whole months! In one way, it feels like it was just yesterday that we were standing in a conference room with 11 other families waiting our turn to get our baby. How amazing to be with so many other families and witness so many "births". So emotional. I have such strong feelings and memories of that day in the Jeng Feng Hotel in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. In another way, it feels like Julianna has always been with us. She is such a blessing. We love her so much.

Look at the difference six months can make.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More Snow Pictures

I was not prepared. I had no boots for the babe. Oh well, she wasn't too impressed with it anyway. We went out walking on Saturday while it was snowing. Then, on Sunday, we put her down in the front yard to play with Caroline.