Sorry for the lack of posts. This summer has been busy. We stayed busy going to the beach, Busch Gardens, WaterCountry, the zoo, and even got in a quick trip to Florida.
Now, that it is September, maybe we will get back to some type of schedule. We are back into Caroline's swim team. She also has chinese school and a sewing class beginning soon. Julianna will have story time.
Julianna will be 2 in one month. Wow! that is hard to believe. I can really say, "Where did the time go?" She is super cute!! She is talking a bit more, loves to do what Caroline is doing, lets me put her hair is pig tails, and loves the alphabet. She has learned several letters and their sounds already!!! Oh, and she also LOVES her boots. See the picture below.
We had a great time at the Animal Kingdom Lodge ( although too short of a time thanks to no show Earl!) Julianna loved seeing the animals from our balcony. She had fun at SeaWorld and Aquatica. She really is a great traveler. Both my girls are good at traveling. Caroline is such a great help and has traveled to Florida many times. She is a pro!!! The only time Julianna had a fit was when I had to pull her off the carousel at SeaWorld. She would stay on one of those all day if she could!