We have two mini dachshounds - Reese and Hershey. We joke and say that Hershey DID NOT get any of the true dachshound genes. He is not the barker, not a digger, and definitely NOT the hunter. Reese, on the other hand, is a textbook weenie.
So, every Fall, Reese begins his mole hunting. He gets on a scent, and he digs trenches around our backyard following these moles. He is very focused. I even avoid him when he is in this state. I think he would take my finger off if he thought I was coming too close. He has only been successful once. I hope he never catches up to another one, but it does give him a fun activity and us a great laugh!! Oh, right now, he is dead asleep in his bed after a hard days work ridding our yard of pests!