I love her in this kitty Cat hat!
A girl and her baby!
Snuggle time with the big sis. It is so sweet when Julianna goes up to Caroline and says, "Caroline, you know what? ... I love you!!"
This girl loves some chocolate covered strawberries.
Coloring Easter eggs on a chilly, rainy day. Love the footy sleeper.
Caroline experimenting with her eggs.
Caroline takes piano lessons and Julianna is picking it up too. She is actually very good and can read the notes in her music book.
Caroline getting ready for a swim meet. She did so well this year, and Championships are next month!!
Working on the pumpkins together.
A day at the zoo with Daddy!
Julianna and Hershey. She says she likes Hershey more than Reese. The true reason is because she can make Hershey do what she wants and Reese will not!
The girls and I went to Busch Gardens for a day in December. Gary stayed home with his broken leg.