Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Panda PJ's

I found these cute panda pj's at Babies R Us. So Cute!!

Dancing to the Music

Julianna loves to dance. She turns her CD player on, and she loves to press the button on her fridge farm music. You can often see her standing in the kitchen swaying to the tune of "Old MacDonald". We love the fridge toy (thanks Georgette for telling us about this cute thing). The only downfall is that we find animal "behinds" all over the house.

Warm Weather Means a Trip to the Zoo

We had some nice weather this past week. After Julianna woke up from her nap on Wednesday, we hopped in the van and drove to the zoo. It was Julianna's 2nd trip, so she remembered seeing some of the things there. She likes to ride the train and see the barnyard animals. I think she liked the pig the best!! ( I wonder where she got that from) There is one pig there that really reminds us of Ziggy. This pig is a bit bigger than Zig was, but still that same potbellied way. He comes to us when we call him over.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Finally... A Nice Day to Play

We finally had a good day to be outside. This has really been a long, cold winter. The girls had fun in the backyard. Julianna has really taken to the slide. Caroline gave her a ride in the wheelbarrow too.