Monday, October 25, 2010

It's That Time of Year for Reese

We have two mini dachshounds - Reese and Hershey. We joke and say that Hershey DID NOT get any of the true dachshound genes. He is not the barker, not a digger, and definitely NOT the hunter. Reese, on the other hand, is a textbook weenie.

So, every Fall, Reese begins his mole hunting. He gets on a scent, and he digs trenches around our backyard following these moles. He is very focused. I even avoid him when he is in this state. I think he would take my finger off if he thought I was coming too close. He has only been successful once. I hope he never catches up to another one, but it does give him a fun activity and us a great laugh!! Oh, right now, he is dead asleep in his bed after a hard days work ridding our yard of pests!

Getting Ready for Halloween

I finally decided on the girls' Halloween costumes. Of coarse, Caroline gets to pick, but once she settled on using her witch costume again I thought maybe Julianna could be a cute black cat. Well, she didn't like the cat costume when I tried it on her in the store. Caroline found a very cute little witch costume at Cracker Barrel, so that is what we went with this year. Turns out, Julianna really, really likes the hat!!

The Birthday Weekend

Beautiful weather for both Julianna and Allie to celebrate their 2nd birthdays!!! We are so lucky to live so close to each other!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Look Who's Two!!!

So hard to believe Julianna is already two!!! Her birthday was Wednesday, and we gave her a train table. We met up with Tara and Allie to see the Sesame Street show. Julianna really liked it. At one point, she got down out of my lap and was ready to walk right up to the stage to see Elmo. We took the girls to the mall for lunch afterwards, and they had fun running and screaming in the play area. They get to play together for the next 2 days - Julianna's party is Saturday, and Allie's on Sunday. So much party fun!!!!!

Cute Fall Pictures

Here are a few good pictures from September.